SEO for beginners: What you normally miss out on - Content Creation Nepal

SEO for beginners: What you normally miss out on

SEO for beginners: What you normally miss out on



Recently, there has been a lot of debate concerning SEO and its continued applicability in the rapidly evolving technology environment of today.

Has SEO lost some of its power?

Without a doubt, no! As Internet content for a website continues to develop at an exponential rate, this strategy has become increasingly crucial. The importance of appearing on the first page of SERPs rises as more websites compete for rankings (search engine results pages).

If you want your website and blog to succeed in the ever-expanding digital world, you must understand and use SEO efficiently if you want to have a high page rank, attract more users to your website, and have greater visibility on content.


What even is this thing called SEO? It can sound like a complex technical jargon, but it is actually a fairly straightforward concept that will raise your social status at events and promote website traffic. The technique of increasing website traffic by earning a prominent spot on a search engine’s results page, such as Google, is known as search engine optimization, or SEO.

In essence, SEO makes your website more visible to search engines. By using keyword searches, page optimization, meta-descriptions, content marketing techniques, and link-building, SEO may be enhanced both internally and outside. As you go up the rankings, more people are likely to visit your website. In order to get this traffic from “organic” search results.

 It’s Intent

SEO is regarded as one of the most important things a website needs. From creating positive feedback to increasing your level of exposure, SEO does it all for a website. Here are some fundamental objectives of SEO:

  •   Raising page rank in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)
  •   Increasing website traffic by naturally focusing on users
  •   Increasing the reach of content

 Realising how these three elements work together is essential. Customers won’t be able to “naturally” find your website if it doesn’t show up on the first page of a Google search, but a better page rank will bring in more visitors and increase the exposure of your content.

 SEO & its relevance to the modern world 

I don’t think anyone wants a website or blog that is disregarded or invisible. SEO is vital because it propels your website to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), which is the quickest way to create visitors.

Search engines have emerged as the quickest and most practical means of browsing such data due to the Internet’s huge, enormously congested, and constantly developing content environment. Every day, about three billion searches are performed.

Of those billions of searches, 89% of people are more likely to visit your website if it appears on the first page of Google, yet more than 90% never look past the first page of search results on any search engine. For any kind of organic exposure, your website must be on the first page, and SEO is the process for getting there.

 Tips for all beginners

SEO is not as complicated as it sounds, once you have an experience, once you start doing more and more work related to optimization, you’ll get the hang of it. Here are some tips that may benefit your endeavour of joining the SEO life:

  • Learn about Google Analytics. You can use this incredible tool to measure, calculate, and control how, why, and for how long users explore your site. It is an excellent way to learn how users interact with your site and develop better SEO techniques to increase traffic.
  • Create a blog. Because blogging is a great way to create unique new content and generate users, websites with blogs receive 55% more SEO traffic than websites without one.
  • Develop content rather than building links, yet the importance of links should not be underestimated. Interesting and captivating content will eventually attract people and improve traffic.
  • Select keywords that are relevant to the content of your website. Integrate these keywords naturally to create consistency throughout your site.
  • And lastly, use your SEO optimization that is more people oriented. At the end of the day, your website is engaging with real people so you and your website has to represent a humane day to day use of communication. 


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